done with the 8 horrid exams. here are my ASSumptions for the finals:
CWG: i got 87% only while everybody's having 90s. i checked exams to get incentives. love mam dumawal to death!
SOCIO: cried. natapakan agkatao ko with the type of TRUE or FALSE exam. (partially true, partially false)
ENG: i hope bumukas yung cd ko. CD-RW that is.
THEO: damn easy. hahaha
LIT: can i die now?
MATH: rhetorical topic.
LOGIC: argh!!! most likely to fail anyway.
CA: sana madala ng recitation.
SOCIO: perfect quizzes. flunked final exam.most likely to pass.
ENG: bagsak na quizzes all over. paper doubtful.
THEO: ummm... ? most likely to know nothing at all.
LIT: flunked quizzes. superb plays. good projects. shitty essay. most likely to be left hanging.
MATH: from a CS of 92 to 81. quizzes with a percentage of umm.. most likely to fail.
LOGIC: doubtful.
CA: most likely to pass.
3 out of 8.
i'm most likely to die right now.
and that is partially true..
M-W Room 205
P200.00 allowance x 3 days = P600.00 a week.
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